[Sponsored] Best Practices for a Successful Transition to a New EHR

Most skilled nursing providers understand the value of an electronic health records (EHR) system, and the majority have adopted an EHR to help manage patient information. As of 2017, roughly 66% of skilled nursing facilities reported using an EHR platform, according to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. While initial adoption […]

[Sponsored] Four Steps to a Successful EHR Transition

In a world where regulatory requirements can feel like a maze, data management is king. That means one of the most important choices a skilled nursing provider makes is choosing its electronic health record (EHR) platform and the technology partner to run it. For skilled nursing facilities, this is easier said than done. A 2017 […]

[White Paper] 3 Ways Skilled Nursing is Standardizing Under PDPM

The Patient-Driven Payment Model has reigned supreme in the skilled nursing world over the last year, and the new Medicare reimbursement system is just one element of patient-focused care. This white paper will explore the ways that forward-thinking SNFs have developed and executed on standardized care processes in the greater context of value-based care, and […]

[Upcoming Webinar] Standardizing Care Processes

Time: 1-2 p.m. CDTDate: August 28, 2019Register Now Standardization makes decision-making easier and enables consistent care delivery. It is the foundation for consistent data collection for improved insights, resulting in better care for patients. Thanks to technology, SNF operators are increasingly turning to standardized processes designed to streamline frontline caregivers’ decision-making — and, in turn, […]

[Upcoming Webinar] Standardizing Care Processes

Time: 1-2 p.m. CDTDate: August 28, 2019Register Now Standardization makes decision-making easier and enables consistent care delivery. It is the foundation for consistent data collection for improved insights, resulting in better care for patients. Thanks to technology, SNF operators are increasingly turning to standardized processes designed to streamline frontline caregivers’ decision-making — and, in turn, […]

Skilled Nursing Facilities Outpace Hospitals in Data Sharing, Technology

Though data sharing between acute and post-acute care facilities remains a frustration for operators and patients alike, the PAC space may actually be running ahead of their hospital counterparts when it comes to using in technology. That’s according to a new white paper from Toronto-based software provider PointClickCare (PCC) on patient transitions, which examined data […]

[Upcoming Webinar] Standardizing Care Processes

Time: 1-2 p.m. CDTDate: August 28, 2019Register Now Standardization makes decision-making easier and enables consistent care delivery. It is the foundation for consistent data collection for improved insights, resulting in better care for patients. Thanks to technology, SNF operators are increasingly turning to standardized processes designed to streamline frontline caregivers’ decision-making — and, in turn, give them […]

Rethink Podcast #12: LTC Properties, Inc. President and CEO Wendy Simpson

The 12th episode of our podcast, Rethink, is now available! Publicly traded health care REITs have been blamed for some of the skilled nursing industry’s woes in recent years — after all, how can a provider keep up with annual escalators as it navigates an uncertain reimbursement landscape and ever-rising staffing costs? But Wendy Simpson, […]

[White Paper] How PDPM is Bringing Nurses Back to Skilled Nursing

With the onset of the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) just months away for skilled nursing providers, SNFs are gearing up for the changes. For many, these changes need buy-in across the entire organization from frontline staff to billing and coding professionals, which can be a challenge. But operators agree that there’s one key worker demographic […]

[White Paper] How PDPM is Bringing Nurses Back to Skilled Nursing

With the onset of the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) just months away for skilled nursing providers, SNFs are gearing up for the changes. For many, these changes need buy-in across the entire organization from frontline staff to billing and coding professionals, which can be a challenge. But operators agree that there’s one key worker demographic […]

Rethink Podcast #10: Care Providers Oklahoma President and CEO Nico Gomez

The 10th episode of our podcast, Rethink, is now available! Skilled nursing facilities in multiple states are facing down gaps in their largest payer source: Medicaid. Across the country, providers are trying to deal with major shortfalls between the amount Medicaid pays per patient day and the amount it costs to care for a Medicaid […]

Rethink Podcast #9: Altenheim Senior Living CEO Paul Psota

The 9th episode of our podcast, Rethink, is now available! The challenges of government reimbursement and shifting consumer demand have hit non-profits in the skilled nursing space particularly hard. Many of them have exited the business entirely, with independent non-profits and local governments moving to cut their losses and sell. Non-profit continuing care retirement communities […]

Rethink Podcast #8: Greystone Founder and CEO Stephen Rosenberg

The 8th episode of our podcast, Rethink, is now available! Stephen Rosenberg founded Greystone 30 years ago with the modest goal of forming his own consulting shop after an executive stint at Dean Witter Reynolds. But over time, Rosenberg and Greystone built a name for themselves in the health care and multifamily housing lending space, […]

Rethink Podcast #7: sb2 Inc. Founder and CEO Chad Bogar

The 7th episode of our podcast, Rethink, is now available! Amid the revolution sweeping Medicare reimbursements for skilled nursing facilities — from PDPM to value-based purchasing — Medicaid has quietly emerged as a prime threat to operators across the country. Reimbursement rates in multiple states don’t cover the daily cost of caring for Medicaid residents, […]

[Upcoming Webinar] Why I Challenged My EHR Vendor

Time: 2 p.m. ETDate: Monday, April 29, 2019Register Now According to CMS, approximately 15% of skilled nursing providers switch EHR vendors every year. With PDPM set to change the skilled nursing landscape, more providers are going to be evaluating their current partners to make a decision on their future success. As providers consider making a […]

[Upcoming Webinar] Why I Challenged My EHR Vendor

Time: 2 p.m. ETDate: Monday, April 29, 2019Register Now According to CMS, approximately 15% of skilled nursing providers switch EHR vendors every year. With PDPM set to change the skilled nursing landscape, more providers are going to be evaluating their current partners to make a decision on their future success. As providers consider making a […]

[Upcoming Webinar] Why I Challenged My EHR Vendor

Time: 2 p.m. ETDate: Monday, April 29, 2019Register Now According to CMS, approximately 15% of skilled nursing providers switch EHR vendors every year. With PDPM set to change the skilled nursing landscape, more providers are going to be evaluating their current partners to make a decision on their future success. As providers consider making a […]

[White Paper] The Journey to PDPM

The new Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM), taking effect on October 1, 2019, is the biggest change to take place in skilled nursing in decades. The organizations that will thrive under this new model are taking steps now to prepare. This white paper covers a step-by-step approach to getting ready for PDPM including: A 6-month timeline […]

Rethink Podcast #5: Plante Moran Partner Betsy Rust

The 5th episode of our podcast, Rethink, is now available! Earlier this year, Betsy Rust and Plante Moran released a report with a fairly explosive thesis: Margins for skilled nursing facilities had actually been on the rise between 2016 and 2017. But the senior care advisory firm was quick to point out that the report […]

CareTrust Touts $300M Skilled Nursing Pipeline for 2019

CareTrust REIT (Nasdaq: CTRE) turned in solid earnings results for the fourth quarter of 2018, with a sizable pipeline of skilled nursing assets coming in 2019. The real estate investment trust’s quarterly revenue of $40.4 million beat analyst estimates by about $270,000, and represented an increase of around 10% from the previous year. Still, chief […]