Nursing Home Loan Delinquency Rates Rise in 2024, Hit 2.7%

Construction lending in the nursing home sector remained “virtually nonexistent” with no activity in the first half of the year among lenders, highlighting a continued lack of momentum in this area. A high cost of borrowing and uncertainties around operational challenges further constrain new development, according to a report recently published by the National Investment […]

Shift from Biden to Harris Unlikely to Rattle Staffing Mandate, as Unions Remain Strong Supporters

Following President Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, leaders in the nursing home space say there likely won’t be any change to the federal minimum staffing mandate or lawsuit given an ongoing strong connection with unions. Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to run in his place. On Monday, Harris […]

Marquis CEO Fogg: Negotiating Power with Medicare Advantage, Big-Picture Staffing Strategy Key for Nursing Homes’ Future

The proposed federal staffing mandate is a potential “kill factor” for nursing home providers, while the rise of Medicare Advantage (MA) is a “major challenge” — and how well the sector responds to these threats will play a major part in shaping the future. This is the perspective of Phil Fogg Jr., CEO of Marquis […]

Paul Ryan: Even Obama Did Not Pursue Staffing Mandate – But Nursing Home Workforce Crisis Can Be Solved

Past White House administrations – including those headed by Democratic presidents – have not tried to enact a federal nursing home staffing mandate, former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan observed on Tuesday. “Even the Obama administration didn’t do that,” Ryan commented, during a discussion with Direct Supply Founder and CEO Bob Hillis at the […]

Nursing Home Costs Jump 2.4% in July, Increase Not Seen Since 1997 BLS Data

Nursing home costs skyrocketed in July, up 2.4% compared to June, along with adult day services – it’s the biggest monthly increase seen since 1997, while overall consumer prices were up 0.2% month over month. That’s according to the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The increase may be […]

Skilled Nursing Occupancy Up 40 Basis Points in June, with Federal Staffing Mandate Still a ‘Key Unknown’

Downside risks may finally be fading with occupancy for skilled nursing facilities showing improvements in June. That’s the view according to BMO Capital Market analysts, who noted recent occupancy data put out by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). CMS’ data showed a monthly jump of 40 basis points in occupancy rates between […]

Cascadia Execs: Skilled Nursing’s Future Demands Better Operating Models, Not ‘1989’ Mindset

Last week, Cascadia Healthcare officially took over management of three facilities formerly operated by the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, with the remaining six buildings in the transitioning portfolio scheduled to follow suit in April and May. The transition process is going smoothly, with each building presenting a “microcosm of opportunity,” Cascadia President and CEO […]

Inside the Factors Driving High SNF Deal Prices — And Why Market Adjustment May Be Coming

Bed pricing for nursing homes remains astronomically high, despite a spate of economic factors that have dampened dealmaking, leading operators surprised and confused about the trend. Unfavorable interest rates, higher costs of care and market inflation have caused M&A activity to normalize, and yet bed prices haven’t budged. Bed prices averaged $97,000 per bed in […]

Sabra Sells ‘Sizable’ SNF Portfolio at $200K Per Bed, Discloses $185M in Recent Proceeds 

Sabra Health Care REIT (Nasdaq: SBRA) on Thursday announced about $185 million has been received in gross proceeds since Sept. 30, 2022, including through a “sizable portfolio” of skilled nursing assets that fetched $200,000 a bed. The previously disclosed sales were “almost entirely comprised of skilled nursing investments,” Sabra said in a statement.  The $200,000-per […]

2023 Outlook for Skilled Nursing Shaped by Unfriendly Federal Policies, Confounding Deals, Labor Crisis

The gap between current skilled nursing occupancy and pre-pandemic occupancy is “99%” due to lack of staff, and addressing the sector’s workforce crisis is clearly the top priority for 2023. That’s according to Phil Fogg Jr., president and CEO of Marquis Companies and chairman of the American Health Care Association. Milwaukie, Oregon-based Marquis owns and […]

Skilled Nursing Game Changer: Calls for Innovation in HUD Financing Gain Momentum

Lenders, operators, industry lobbying organizations and consumer advocates all agree that an expansion of skilled nursing financing programs through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) could be a game-changer in driving much-needed innovation. Building on suggestions from the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), the authors of a recent Health Affairs […]

Nursing Care Facilities Add 2,800 Workers Amid ‘Growing But Slowing’ Labor Market

Nursing care facilities added about 2,800 jobs in November 2022, as the health care sector overall saw payrolls increase by about 45,000 workers. Hiring in nursing care slowed down from October, when nursing homes added about 4,100 new workers. Job growth overall slowed in November, with nonfarm payrolls increasing by 263,000, compared with average growth […]

Why HUD Financing Has Potential to Propel the Nursing Home Industry Forward

Loans and other types of financing through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) may be key to incentivizing operators to seek innovation, such as scaling the small home model in a meaningful way – but the program isn’t quite at that point yet. The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) report […]

Why the Future of Standalone Skilled Nursing Facilities Could Be Dim

The nursing home industry remains largely fragmented, evidenced by the fact that just under one-third of the sector is currently made up of single site providers. But that number is beginning to slowly decline — having fallen two percentage points over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to NIC MAP Data, powered by NIC […]

Operators See ‘Glimmer of Relief’ As Staffing Concerns Shrink

While the ever-present staffing shortages have continued to challenge operators across the industry, some indications may show a “glimmer of relief” as the most severe workforce woes could be behind the industry. Just 9% of senior care operators reported severe staffing shortages at their organization — down from 25% of respondents who reported the same […]

Nursing Home Industry Recovery Requires More Pain and Innovation

It’s hard to pin down how nursing home operators should be feeling as the end of the year approaches. The best way I could describe it, one week after attending the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) conference in Nashville, is a combination of optimism and pessimism that fluctuates depending on the […]