Nursing Homes Proceed Cautiously on Group Therapy — But Vaccinations Allow Small Steps Forward

When the Medicare payment system for skilled nursing facilities was overhauled in 2019, one of the most anticipated provisions was the option to provide therapy to residents in group or concurrent settings — allowing for more socialization and cost savings. That provision got about four months of practice before the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world […]

Diversicare Sees $1M Boost from Reliant Therapy Shift, Reports $25.9M in Unspent Stimulus

Diversicare Healthcare Services (OTC: DVCR) this week reported a financial boost from its decision to outsource therapy services, along with a significant cache of stimulus funds waiting for deployment. The Brentwood, Tenn.-based nursing home operator in November announced a shift from its wholly-owned Diversicare Therapy Services to Reliant Rehabilitation, a move that Jay McKnight predicted […]

Therapy Staffing Dropped Up to 10% at Nursing Homes in Wake of PDPM — Mostly Through Contract Cuts

Therapist staffing coverage at nursing homes fell up to 10% after the October 2019 implementation of a new Medicare payment model, a new study has determined — with the cuts coming primarily on the backs of contracted employees and not full-time skilled nursing facility staffers. Physical and occupational therapist staffing was 6% lower in the […]

Select Rehab Closes on RehabCare Acquisition from Kindred, Projects $1B in Revenue

Select Rehabilitation closed on its acquisition of Kindred Healthcare’s RehabCare business line, the Glenview, Ill.-based therapy company announced on Tuesday. Terms of the deal were not disclosed; the acquisition was originally announced on October 5. Select’s pro-forma revenues exceed $1 billion, according to the therapy provider, which employs 17,000 therapists in 43 states. Kindred used […]

CMS Finalizes Proposed Cuts to Medicare Part B Therapy Services for 2021, Expands Telehealth Coverage

The federal government on Tuesday finalized its proposed physician fee schedule for the 2021 calendar year, formalizing cuts to Medicare reimbursement rates for therapy services provided to residents covered under Part B — while also expanding some telehealth flexibilities offered during COVID-19. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in August floated a 9% […]

A Year into PDPM and Many Months into COVID, Respiratory Therapy Waits for ‘Industrywide Embrace’

When the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) overhauled the way Medicare reimburses care provided in skilled nursing facilities, the federal government attempted to put the focus on the care needs of patients — and in doing so, incentivized facilities to capture patient conditions more thoroughly and add to their clinical specialties. At least, that was the […]

Diversicare Inks Deal to Outsource All Therapy to Reliant Rehab, Expects Cost Savings

Nursing home operator Diversicare Healthcare Services (OTCQX: DVCR) this week announced a deal to shift all of its therapy services to a third-party provider, Reliant Rehabilitation. The Brentwood, Tenn.-based chain had previously offered rehab care under Diversicare Therapy Services, a wholly owned subsidiary. “We believe that this transition will equip us to continue to be […]

Century Rehab’s New CEO on the Pitfalls of Telehealth in Nursing Homes — and Demand for Therapists Amid COVID

The world of third-party rehabilitation was braced for a change in the skilled nursing setting when the Patient-Driven Payment Model, the Medicare reimbursement overhaul that took effect last year, effectively removed therapy as the driver of payment. A few months into that new landscape, the world itself was upended by a global pandemic — one […]

Vendors, Rehab Companies Adjust to Nursing Homes’ New Normal Under COVID

The ecosystem of a skilled nursing facility often involves many more entities than the operator itself, ranging from equipment suppliers to third-party rehabilitation. But in the COVID-19 crisis, the way third-party entities interact with operators has, in some cases, been drastically reset. For others, the services have evolved in ways previously unforeseen. And for SNF […]

COVID-19 Scrambles PDPM Math, Particularly Around Therapy Minutes: ‘This Will Be a Complete Rebuild’

In the lead-up to the implementation of the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) on October 1, 2019, consultants, therapists, and the federal government warned operators over and over that therapy minutes would come under intense scrutiny in the months following the start of the new Medicare reimbursement system. The model allowed for patients to receive up […]

CMS Opens Medicare Telehealth Waivers to Include Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapists

More than a month after the federal government issued widespread waivers to expand telehealth coverage amid the COVID-19 pandemic, therapists will finally be able to provide remote interventions under Medicare. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on Thursday announced that it will allow physical, occupational, and speech therapy practitioners to provide Medicare-covered telehealth […]

Therapists Find Some COVID-19 Telehealth Opportunities — But Remain Off Medicare List

The federal government has waived multiple regulations around telehealth with an eye toward making it as easy as possible to stay home and receive medical care. It’s a move that seems well-suited to benefit the Medicare beneficiaries living in skilled nursing facilities across the U.S., who need care while minimizing contact with visitors during the […]

Encore Rehabilitation, DOJ Reach $4M Settlement in False Claims Act Case

Encore Rehabilitation Services on Friday publicly agreed to pay $4 million to settle federal allegations that the contract rehab provider violated the False Claims Act. The Department of Justice had accused the Farmington Hills, Mich.-based rehab operator of “causing three Michigan skilled nursing facilities to submit false claims to Medicare for rehabilitation therapy services that […]

CMS ‘Considering’ Expansion of Telehealth Coverage for Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy Services

While the federal government has taken a hacksaw to the regulations around telehealth services in an attempt to mitigate COVID-19 risks, one group remains largely left out of the push: physical, occupational, and speech therapists. But that could change as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) mulls the potential ways it can use […]

CMS Cracks Window for Virtual Therapy Visits in Nursing Homes Amid COVID-19, But Barriers Remain

Therapy providers were partially included in the federal government’s attempts to waive restrictions on various health providers amid the coronavirus, but some experts say this recent round won’t enable sufficient virtual care for nursing home residents — and also doesn’t decrease the risks therapists are experiencing on the ground amid the pandemic. An expanded telehealth […]

Therapy Continues During Crisis, But Worries Over Protective Supplies and Employment Loom

Many therapy teams consider their services essential to nursing home residents — even after the federal government guided the sector to prohibit unnecessary visits to facilities amid the spread of the novel coronavirus. Even with the push to reduce “unessential” services, the government opened the floodgates for nursing facilities to serve overflow patients from hospitals […]