Providers Can’t Fall for Therapy Myths When Preparing for PDPM

As skilled nursing facilities and rehabilitation providers across the U.S. prepare for the changes to Medicare payments coming in October, they have to make sure they don’t get sidetracked by a slew of misconceptions about what’s coming. That’s according to a Tuesday webinar by clinical management software provider Optima Healthcare Solutions, held in conjunction with […]

As PDPM Nears, Providers Can’t Rely on Sunny CMS Projections to Succeed

As the implementation date draws nearer for the overhaul of the Medicare reimbursement system, some providers have found comfort in government projections about their revenue under the new model. But that comfort might be misplaced, according to a webinar held Wednesday by Minneapolis.-based consulting and management firm Health Dimensions Group. The Centers for Medicare & […]

Despite Speech Push, Physical and Occupational Therapy Have Key Role Under PDPM

Speech therapy has taken center stage in discussions about the new Medicare payment system for skilled nursing facilities, but therapists and operators say providers can’t ignore physical and occupational therapy services as they adapt. In the months after the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the new Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM), speech therapy […]