Study on Nursing Home Staff Types Shows Higher RN Presence Ups Antipsychotic Drug Use, Cuts Hospitalizations, ED Visits

The relationship between different nursing home staffing types and health outcomes is incredibly nuanced, and as operators grapple with optimizing the clinical workforce in the aftermath of the staffing mandate, researchers in the space say more study is needed to really understand the correlation between roles and quality measures. According to a July study published […]

Family, Dementia Specialists Have Significant Sway on SNF Medication Management – But Are Rarely Involved

While families of nursing home residents and dementia specialists have significant influence on antidementia medication decisions, many residents lack their involvement. Such influence is similar to family sway on care planning for antipsychotic medications among nursing home residents. One in six nursing home cases almost always have no immediate family or caregivers involvement, according to […]

Timely Physician, Skilled Clinician Visits Reduce Rehospitalization Risk in Older Adults in Nursing Homes

Hospital readmissions have emerged as a pressing concern within the realm of post-acute care in skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). Not only do readmissions impact the health and well-being of elderly patients, but they also have significant cost implications. Additionally, they play a pivotal role in the evaluation of facility performance, a crucial aspect of value-based […]

Recommendation Issued for Making Staffing Instability a Care Compare Quality Measure

Higher staffing levels contribute to better scores on quality measures suggesting that Care Compare for nursing homes could benefit from adding a measure for staffing instability. This is the recommendation of a study published in the August issue of the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA), which revealed that both staffing instability and […]

Nursing Home, Hospital Transitions Hurt by Lax Application of Best Practice Protocols

Hospital discharge to skilled nursing facilities can benefit from certain protocols that are currently missing when patients make this transition between care settings, according to a new study. While the complexity of care transitions between nursing homes and hospitals is well known, investments in programs like Age Friendly Health Systems (AFHS) have become key to […]

A Natural Fit: New CMS Requirements Elevate Nursing Homes’ Behavioral Health Role

In recently announced rules of participation, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) included several updates related to behavioral health in nursing homes. The agency aims to further address the rights and available services for residents with mental health needs, including a focus on situations where practitioners or facilities may have inaccurately diagnosed or […]

Pennsylvania SNF Achieves 90% Vaccination Rate, Up From 50%, Following COE

A recent University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing study reveals that after making the COVID-19 vaccine a condition of employment (COE), one 180-bed skilled nursing facility (SNF) in Philadelphia saw 17 staff members, or 6.9% of the overall staff, resign from their positions. An additional three were exempt for religious or medical reasons and four […]

400 Nursing Homes Have Closed Since Landmark 1987 Oversight Law — While Care Generally Improved

Since the landmark passage of a sweeping oversight bill in the late 1980s, hundreds of nursing homes have closed — while those that remained have increasingly taken on more difficult medical cases, according to new research from Brown University. The analysis, which focused on the effects of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA […]

Push to Reduce Antipsychotic Drugs in Nursing Homes May Have Boosted Costly Hospitalizations

The regulatory push to reduce antipsychotic drugs in nursing homes may be correlated to a rise in risk factors for avoidable and non-avoidable hospitalization among residents with behavioral health issues, according to a recent study published in JAMDA, the journal for The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. A team of researchers from the […]

On-Site Ombudsmen Lead to More Skilled Nursing Deficiencies on Surveys

When an ombudsman remains on site during post-acute and long-term care facility surveys, the building’s quality scores may be negatively affected, according to a study in published this week in JAMDA, journal of AMDA — The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. Researchers determined that ombudsmen may direct assessors to more attention to on-site […]

Why Home Care Can’t Compare to Skilled Nursing Facilities

Most newly admitted nursing home residents could not be safely and cost-effectively diverted to home- and community-based services (HCBS) because many of them have health issues, such as dementia and stroke, that require high levels of care, according to a Canadian study in the July issue of JAMDA. Only about one in 20 nursing home residents could […]