The Centralized recruitment model is gaining momentum across long-term care communities and nursing homes, and more operators amid consolidation in the sector, are attesting to its success. Operators like Covenant Living Communities and Services understand well, however, that success is only as good as the region and setting. “I don’t necessarily think there’s a magic […]
Covenant Living Communities and Services
Growth of managed care has deepened reimbursement challenges for Covenant Living Communities and Services, much like for many providers in the nursing home sector. However, a centralized intake model launched three years ago and certain contract negotiation strategies have enabled efficient revenue cycle management. With an extensive network of communities spread across many states, the […]
The growing prevalence of Medicare Advantage (MA) plans in many skilled nursing markets has been a source of mounting challenges for operators, many of whom are wondering whether they can keep up with the change. Yet a few strategies can go a long way to make the transition work, experts said. They cite leveraging data […]
Many nursing home operators that also have hospice operations can’t help but notice that the survey process on the hospice end is generally a more positive experience than in the nursing home world. And some say the collaborative nature – between facilities and the federal government – of hospice surveys can and should be replicated […]
Some nursing homes are seeing “significantly more” audits tied to managed care and dual plan Medicaid claims in certain states – and potentially could see the same from Medicare too. This is all on top of an improper payment probe the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is conducting for Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) […]
As staffing remains one of the leading areas of trouble for nursing homes, operators have turned to technology tools that have improved both retention and recruitment of workers in the last year. But while operators, advocates and even insurance providers associated with the skilled nursing sector applaud the implementation of staffing-related technology, doing so is […]
Following the tough lessons learned during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, nursing home operators are finding ways to ensure they are never caught off guard again. Improving nursing home preparedness has not only been on the mind of operators but government officials and industry experts as well when it comes to discussing reform […]
Though fears of a massive staff exodus following the Biden’s administration vaccination mandate have likely been tempered with the recent inclusion of all health care providers, recruitment for nursing homes remains a challenge as the need for direct care workers in long-term care settings will nearly double in the next decade. “When I worked in […]