CMS Calls Upon Hospitals to Improve Discharges to SNFs as Hospitals Urge Higher Rates

As hospital advocates criticize low reimbursements to nursing homes and home health, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is bearing down on hospitals to revamp their discharge process when releasing patients to SNFs. Citing areas of concern related to missing or inaccurate patient information upon discharge, CMS is requiring that hospitals have an […]

Staffing Agencies Create ‘Unfair Playing Field,’ Widen Gaps in Nursing Home Workforce

Aging service organizations, their members and Congress have sounded the alarm on opportunistic staffing agencies during the pandemic, opening the way for possible regulation surrounding the bustling industry. Other leaders in the space believe such legislation is an overreaction and unnecessary for one small segment of the health care staffing system. Marquette University’s College of […]