Register NowTime: 1 p.m. — 2 p.m. CDTDate: Thursday, October 31st Attend this webinar and learn about how ACP’s patient-centered solutions facilitate an interdisciplinary approach to improve outcomes and treatment efficiencies. The content discussed will be of value to Nursing, Administration, and Therapy members. This webinar will provide education about the following topics: Restorative Nursing– […]
Accelerated Care Plus
Register NowTime: 1 p.m. — 2 p.m. CDTDate: Thursday, October 31st Attend this webinar and learn about how ACP’s patient-centered solutions facilitate an interdisciplinary approach to improve outcomes and treatment efficiencies. The content discussed will be of value to Nursing, Administration, and Therapy members. This webinar will provide education about the following topics: Restorative Nursing– […]
Register NowTime: 1 p.m. — 2 p.m. CDTDate: Thursday, October 31st Attend this webinar and learn about how ACP’s patient-centered solutions facilitate an interdisciplinary approach to improve outcomes and treatment efficiencies. The content discussed will be of value to Nursing, Administration, and Therapy members. This webinar will provide education about the following topics: Restorative Nursing– Learn how […]