Nursing homes will be among the recipients of more than one million doses of Pfizer’s antiviral pills made available this month – that’s hundreds of thousands more doses than expected, with more than double that amount to be made available in April. Heightened production of antiviral pill Paxlovid, designed to treat COVID-19, is part of […]
After receiving a thumbs up from both the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this month, the work now begins for long-term care pharmacies to administer COVID-19 booster shots for nursing home residents and staff. Others eligible for a third Pfizer shot include those ages 50 to 64 who […]
Operators hope that planned booster shots, distributed through a streamlined process, will help protect the skilled nursing community against the “twice as transmissible” delta variant, a phrase used by President Joe Biden in a press briefing Wednesday. The Biden administration announced plans to deliver COVID-19 booster shots directly to long-term care residents and staff eight […]
Distribution and waste concerns are top of mind for operators waiting on COVID-19 booster shot plans in the fall, with some recalling timing and logistics issues tied to the initial vaccine rollout. Kevin Morris, president of BaneCare Management in Massachusetts, said the 11-facility company is looking to have vaccine distribution happen at a more rapid […]
With two COVID-19 vaccines officially authorized for use, the immunization of health care workers and long-term care facility residents is finally underway in earnest. The Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorizations (EUAs) to Pfizer’s (NYSE: PFE) COVID-19 vaccine on December 11 and to Moderna’s (Nasdaq: MRNA) on December 18. There are several considerations […]
The emergency use authorization (EUA) granted to Pfizer’s (NYSE: PFE) COVID-19 vaccine late on Friday launched a flurry of promises and commitments to get the vaccine out to vulnerable long-term care residents as quickly as possible. Alex Azar, the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) suggested on Sunday in an interview […]