For 2024, the nursing home industry’s focus must be on strategies that prioritize data accuracy, effective leadership, and innovative solutions as facilities evolve to meet changing demands and challenges from staffing. This is the view expressed during a webinar held Thursday based on a survey of our readers on their outlook for 2024 titled, “Skilled […]
Net Health
Despite ongoing staffing challenges and inflationary fallout from the pandemic, skilled nursing operators are optimistic about this year – many expect occupancy rates to increase in the years ahead, along with general growth in the sector. That’s according to a Skilled Nursing News survey conducted at the end of last year, in partnership with EHR […]
Operators in the nursing home space are dealing with a crippling workforce shortage and rising costs of care – all while seeing continued higher acuity among residents. Providers and vendors in the space agree they’re seeing a larger proportion of patients with higher acuity, but the definition of acuity varies along with methods to measure […]
How SNFs approach and calculate their return on investment for advanced analytics technology Health care providers know they need to invest in technology for the many benefits it provides — from predictive patient analytics to operations analysis and optimization. But particularly in skilled nursing settings where margins are already compressed and staffing challenges are persistent, […]
How successful SNFs are using data to predict and prevent adverse events and improve care planning While artificial intelligence (AI) has made inroads across industries from e-commerce to marketing, in health care it is revolutionizing both the patient experience and clinical operations for care providers. And though skilled nursing is not often touted for its […]
How skilled nursing providers can streamline operations and improve quality measures by using data to their advantage While most skilled nursing facility (SNF) operators have a keen understanding of how a data-driven approach to patient care can improve patient outcomes, they may have yet to discover how data can lead to specific operational improvements. Through […]
How one skilled nursing operator reduced readmissions and delivered higher quality care In health care today, insights from data should serve as every skilled nursing facility’s differentiator and competitive edge. Yet many providers fail to apply it in a way that is sustainable and transformative for their organizations — and their residents. The complexity of […]
How skilled nursing operators are using data to drive partnerships with hospitals, ACOs and other collaborative organizations The skilled nursing industry has many uses for the data it gathers, whether that’s for reporting purposes, operational efficiencies, or demonstrating outcomes to patients and their families. But those that operationalize their data on an even higher level […]
Outpatient software provider Net Health on Tuesday announced a plan to acquire Optima Healthcare Solutions, expanding its presence into the post-acute marketplace. The Pittsburgh-based Net Health — which offers software platforms for about 3,000 urgent care, physical therapy, and other outpatient clinics across the country — positioned the move as a strategic push to extend […]