As skilled nursing operators look for ways to build back hospital referrals, data shows that Medicare Advantage enrollment continues to climb, making some managed care experts wonder how smaller, traditional, single nursing home operators will be able to build a sustainable future. With Medicare Advantage enrollment now representing 46% of all 57.7 million eligible Medicare […]
Medicare Advantage (MA) has seen dramatic enrollment growth over the past six years, significantly outpacing traditional Medicare, according to a report commissioned by the Better Medicare Alliance released October 15. The report, prepared by the actuarial firm Milliman, examined the growth in enrollment in MA and the similarities and differences between enrollees in that program […]
Medicare Advantage plans are rapidly expanding the supplemental benefits recently approved by the federal government, with 116 plans offering more than one of these services for the 2020 contract year. Those supplemental benefits provide more options for care at home for beneficiaries — and could potentially represent paths away from the skilled nursing setting. In […]