LTC Properties Names Two New Co-CEOs, as Simpson Steps Back

LTC Properties (NYSE: LTC) has appointed Pam Kessler and Clint Malin to the roles of co-CEO, with current CEO Wendy Simpson stepping back from the role as the company’s top leader. Kessler and Malin are keeping their current titles as co-presidents of the company. Kessler currently serves as CFO, while Malin is Chief Investment Officer […]

LTC Properties: Q2 Plagued By Occupancy Declines, Rent Deferrals, But Medicaid Rate Increases Helped Nursing Homes

Leaders with LTC Properties (NYSE: LTC) said Medicaid rate increases were one positive aspect from the second financial quarter, even as some of its assets were seeing occupancy issues and ongoing deferrals in rent. Occupancy “disappointingly deteriorated” among certain assets, including LTC’s skilled nursing facilities, analysts with BMO Capital Markets reported. While overall SNF occupancy […]

‘A Promising Upturn’: LTC Execs Eye Investments as Sector Fundamentals Improve, But Oppose Nursing Home Staffing Rule 

Amid a better climate for federal and state reimbursements, higher profit margins and rising occupancy rates, LTC Properties (NYSE: LTC) executives said Tuesday that the nursing home industry is on target for robust growth. And while the California-based real estate investment trust (REIT) spent 2023 on portfolio adjustments, the key focus for 2024 will be […]

Ignite Gets $12.7M Loan From LTC Properties; Catholic Hospital System Sells 237-Bed Skilled Nursing, Senior Housing

LTC Properties (NYSE: LTC) has extended a $12.7 million senior loan to Ignite Medical Resorts, a current LTC operator, for the purchase of a skilled nursing and assisted living campus in Katy, Texas. The investment is termed an unconsolidated joint venture, LTC said in a press release. The California-based real estate investment trust also said […]

LTC Leaders: Bank Caution on SNFs Drives Opportunity, Operators Poised for Margin Improvement

Leaders with LTC Properties (NYSE: LTC) see opportunity in a fluctuating bank lending environment, with maturities coming due for operators at a brisk pace and interest rate increases causing a fair amount of anxiety among operators and some lenders. This environment favors real estate investment trusts (REITs) like LTC, which maintain a conservative investment strategy […]

LTC CEO Says SNF Occupancy’s Return to Pre-Covid Levels Will Be ‘A Long, Slow Grind’ 

Executives for LTC Properties (NYSE: LTC) said Friday that the company’s focus on skilled nursing assets has yielded promising results, demonstrating a steady progress in the overall industry recovery, even as occupancy levels are making a slow grind back to pre-pandemic levels. “The increase in occupancy rate has been decelerating,” CEO Wendy Simpson said during […]

LTC Properties Defers $1.5M in Interest from SNF Operator Prestige, Beats 1Q Revenue Estimates

Leaders with LTC Properties (NYSE: LTC) said the real estate investment trust (REIT) has made significant investments so far this year and currently has a pipeline of an additional $100 million in intended investments that are skewed toward private pay assets. This, despite higher interest rates and economic challenges impacting the sector, company executives said […]

The Hot Seat: Wendy Simpson, CEO and Chairman, LTC Properties

Wendy Simpson is CEO and president of LTC Properties — a REIT investing in seniors housing and health care with nearly 80 skilled nursing properties in its portfolio. Having led LTC Properties for 15 years, Simpson is well known for her industry in and investment expertise. In this Hot Seat interview, Simpson shares industry insights […]

Sabra, LTC Properties Execs: Skilled Nursing Faces ‘Slog’ in 2023, High-Acuity Care an Opportunity

The coming year will be “a bit of a slog” for skilled nursing, but operating and financial headwinds should ease over the course of 2023. That’s the viewpoint of Rick Matros, CEO of Sabra Health Care REIT (Nasdaq: SBRA), which owns 270 skilled nursing and transitional care properties, along with senior living, behavioral health and […]

REIT Moves Drive a Reordering of the Skilled Nursing Operator Landscape

Skilled nursing operators should anticipate further distress in the coming months and into 2023, which will likely result in even greater divides among providers. The winners and losers already are being sorted, as the latest round of real estate investment trust (REIT) earnings made clear. And unsurprisingly, strong regional operators are leading the pack. Welltower […]

LTC CEO: PruittHealth JV Fits Strategic Vision for Skilled Nursing, Portfolio Performing Well in ‘Less than Stellar’ Conditions 

Leaders with LTC Properties (NYSE: LTC) on Friday expanded more on the company’s joint venture with Georgia-based nursing home operator PruittHealth, while putting recent acquisitions in context of Medicaid rate increases – potential and finalized – across multiple states. The $62 million JV with PruittHealth to purchase three nursing homes in Florida is the real […]

REITs Gain Dealmaking Edge, Will Pursue Prized Skilled Nursing Operator Relationships

Real estate investment trust (REIT) dealmaking for the rest of this year and into 2023 will largely be driven by the desire to deepen existing or secure new partnerships with skilled nursing operators that have “weathered the storm exceptionally well.” That’s according to Michael Segal, executive managing director and partner at Blueprint Healthcare Real Estate […]

Industry Leaders Split on Whether Skilled Nursing’s Future Should Include Separate Short, Long-Term Care

There has been an increasing call to separate long-term and short-term care in the nursing home sector as acuity rises and facilities take on more specialities, all while facing a staffing shortage. Academics, finance leaders and some operators agree such a separation would be a positive for residents — and maybe even help the staffing […]

REITs, Other ‘Well Funded’ Skilled Nursing Investors Rejoice Buyers’ Market Return

Lenders in the skilled nursing space are increasingly more selective with their financing, adopting stricter underwriting standards while regulatory uncertainties and reimbursement changes leave investors more reserved. There is also a more defined shift toward a buyers’ market as well, as more transactions come back across the sector, according to analysts in the space. A […]

Inside the Forces Driving Skilled Nursing Valuations in 2022

Many investors have not shied away from the skilled nursing industry in spite of the ongoing labor shortages, rising costs and looming federal regulations consuming operators — and they don’t appear to be doing so anytime soon. Private buyers have continued to buy up the overwhelming majority of available assets, closing roughly $1 billion in […]

LTC Properties, PruittHealth Enter Into 3 Nursing Home JV Investment for $62M 

LTC Properties (NYSE: LTC) and PruittHealth are entering into a joint venture to purchase three Florida nursing homes for $62 million. This marks the first time that the real estate investment trust (REIT) and nursing home operator are working together, both companies shared Monday. The three facilities were constructed between 2018 and 2021 with a […]