In the competitive world of short-term rehab, success depends on both who and what you know — and, by extension, how you tell your individual building’s story to the people whose opinions matter the most. The Medicare-focused building has been hailed as the future of skilled nursing and questioned as a difficult-to-achieve pipe dream, but […]
Life Care Services
In an interesting role reversal, executives at National Health Investors (NYSE: NHI) expressed optimism about skilled nursing investments while handling pointed questions about some distress on the senior housing side of its business. CEO Eric Mendelsohn trumpeted his real estate investment trust’s (REIT) new partnerships with skilled nursing operators Ignite Medical Resorts and Wingate on […]
With a new payment model just eight months away, the skilled nursing industry has trained a laser-guided focus on maximizing patient outcomes and reimbursements under the system. But smart providers would be wise not to let the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) distract them from the pressing issues facing them between now and October 1. “Any […]