Staffing Shortages Lead Nursing Homes to Rethink MDS Coordinator Role

Persistent staffing shortages combined with regulatory headwinds have put even more pressure on nursing home MDS coordinators, a specialty position that itself has not been immune to the job turnover felt across the sector. And their role to ensure that facilities get the reimbursement they earn and the right care is provided may be more […]

Leaving Money on the Table: SNFs Must Better Manage PDPM Reimbursement with Medicare Cuts Looming

It will be three years this October since the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) was first implemented, and some nursing homes are still struggling to adjust. While a global pandemic and unprecedented staffing shortages are partly to blame for problems in PDPM-related processes, so too is widespread staff agency use. And now, with a potential $320 […]

Administrator Losses are ‘Critical Issue’ for Nursing Home Workflow, Morale

Focused Post Acute Care Partners CEO Mark McKenzie is starting to see burnout among his senior leaders take its toll on overall operations, with at least three of the operator’s administrators recently leaving the profession for other industries. McKenzie said administrator and director of nursing loss has turned into a “critical issue” for the Burleson, […]

Monitoring Technology is on the Rise — SNFs Decide if it Helps or Hinders

As nursing home operators introduce more sophisticated monitoring technology to their facilities, the benefits of such tools sit on a knife’s edge. Monitoring platforms may help caregivers do more with less during a pandemic-exacerbated staffing crisis. It’s also possible that operators can open themselves up to potential litigation, depending on if they have the staff […]