Nine Comprehensive Healthcare Nursing Homes Sold in Contentious $53M Deal to Kadima

Pennsylvania bankruptcy court late Monday approved the $53 million sale of nine nursing homes in the state to affiliates of Kadima Healthcare Group, as part of Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings for more than a dozen facilities operating under Comprehensive Healthcare Management Solutions. Notably, transaction documents do not transfer assets to any insiders, affiliates, officers or […]

Court Hands Down ‘Historic,’ $35.8M Judgment in Nursing Home Wage Theft Case

A federal court awarded $35.8 million in back wages and damages to 6,000 current and former workers of Comprehensive Healthcare Management Services, as a result of one of the largest Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) judgments in the nation. Comprehensive, which operates 15 skilled nursing facilities in Pennsylvania, willfully denied workers overtime pay, a U.S. […]

DOL Alleges Back Wages Owed to Over 600 Next Step Healthcare Staff in 25 Nursing Homes

More than 600 skilled nursing workers may be owed back wages across 25 Massachusetts facilities in 21 communities, owned by local operator Next Step Healthcare. The Department of Labor (DOL) filed a complaint in federal court alleging that various nursing home organizations intentionally withheld overtime wages for at least 624 employees, and failed to maintain […]

DOL’s Final Rule on Worker Classification To Increase Legal Woes, Administrative Burdens for Nursing Homes

Many skilled nursing operators will need to reclassify their existing relationships with independent contractors and rethink future ones in the wake of a final rule issued by the Department of Labor (DOL) on Tuesday. The DOL’s new rule revises guidance on how to determine who is an employee and who is an independent contractor under […]

$56M Sale of 7 Comprehensive HC Properties May Proceed, As DOL Unable to Block Deal

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) failed to block a $56 million deal between Pennsylvania operator Comprehensive Healthcare Management Services and Kadima Healthcare Group for seven properties, according to court documents. The parties convened before the U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV in September when Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su had asked for a […]

SNF Staffing Agencies Urge DOL to Classify Temp Workers as Employees

Big names in the staffing agency world are urging the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to classify temporary staff in nursing homes, among other health care settings, to be classified as employees rather than independent contractors. The coalition of some 30 health care staffing companies sent a letter earlier this month to the DOL, calling […]