With the looming changes to the Minimum Data Set (MDS), industry experts said now is the time to take advantage of resources or harness new technologies to make sure MDS reporting is being done accurately. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced changes to the MDS and the Five-Star Rating System, which […]
Century Rehabilitation
Providing therapy to patients in a skilled nursing setting is the definition of a hands-on task. The nature of that task did not change over the course of the COVID-19 crisis, which forced a slew of occupations to pivot to virtual formats. While the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued widespread waivers for […]
The world of third-party rehabilitation was braced for a change in the skilled nursing setting when the Patient-Driven Payment Model, the Medicare reimbursement overhaul that took effect last year, effectively removed therapy as the driver of payment. A few months into that new landscape, the world itself was upended by a global pandemic — one […]
Third-party rehabilitation providers are a crucial part of clinical care in the skilled nursing setting, and neither the pandemic this year nor an overhaul of Medicare reimbursement last year has changed that fact. But it has changed how rehab providers are working with their SNF partners. Tammy Tuminaro, the recently named CEO of Century Rehabilitation, […]