Sitting Out Bundled Payments Could Leave Skilled Nursing Providers Far Behind

For many skilled nursing providers, the launch last week of the 2020 application period for the government’s flagship bundled-payment program was low on the list of priorities. After all, under the new Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI Advanced) model, nursing homes can’t be episode initiators, meaning hospitals and other acute-care providers are the […]

Bundled Payment Lessons Still Relevant for Skilled Nursing Providers

In a post-acute landscape dominated by the rise of Medicare Advantage and the looming changes to therapy payments, the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) program has fallen somewhat by the wayside. That’s partially because post-acute providers — including skilled nursing operators and home health agencies — can no longer be episode initiators under the upcoming BPCI […]

SNFs’ Place in New Bundled Payment Model Unclear

The skilled nursing industry is still sorting out how it will participate in a newly announced bundled payment model rolled out by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on Tuesday. Early analysis of the text from CMS seems to exclude skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies and other post-acute care providers from applying for […]

Skilled Nursing Providers Have Mixed Feelings on Bundled Payments

Less than two-thirds of acute and long-term care providers have found that bundled payments both lower costs and improve care, according to a new survey, though the company behind the numbers says it’s a little more complicated than that. Archway Health, a Watertown, Mass.-based firm that advises health providers on bundled payment models, asked 70 […]