This article is sponsored by TapestryHealth. In this Voices interview, Skilled Nursing News sits down with TapestryHealth co-founder, and Chief Growth and Product Officer Mordy Eisenberg to talk about how TapestryComplete is changing the technology landscape for SNFs. He explains the benefits of bundling future products with current solutions so that post-acute providers can grow with their technology. He also provides an outlook on what’s to come for TapestryHealth and its clients as the product line evolves.
Skilled Nursing News: Tapestry has always offered a menu of flexible, a la carte technologies as well as other services. How is TapestryComplete different?
Mordy Eisenberg: Over the past few years, the industry has seen a sea change of technology. When you and I first started doing these interviews, advanced telemedicine was leading-edge stuff. Now we’re watching over patients remotely 24/7, we’re analyzing billions and billions of bits of data and becoming more finely tuned and accurate with every passing week. And, there is always something new on the horizon. But incorporating these new technologies into a facility’s medical ecosystem takes administrative time, decision-making, evaluation and so on, and that’s not always easy. When we began introducing many of these technologies, they were add-ons to our primary care delivered through telemedicine. And because of that, and the rapid pace at which we were introducing these technologies, they became a series of options. But that isn’t the best way to optimize their capabilities.
How is TapestryComplete changing the skilled nursing technology landscape today?
That’s really a few questions in one, so let me start with the example of a SNF that is totally new to the technology world and seeking to up their game. TapestryComplete bundles our full suite of current – and this next part is key – and future services into one package. It’s one evaluation, one decision, and it never needs to be revisited, so we’ve simplified the process for the facility owner and administration staff. We integrate our system with the facility’s EMR and in days we have revolutionized the level of care provided in that facility. They get our 24/7 remote patient monitoring, AI and predictive modeling, and digital vitals. Virtually overnight, we can turn that facility into one with the ability to deliver medical center levels of care to patients regardless of acuity. In a sense, they go from tech laggards to instant tech leaders.
What happened to Tapestry’s more traditional services? How have they changed?
We still offer them all, and they have gotten even better as we’ve connected them with these new technologies. Services like our Chronic Care Management not only improve care and expand revenue immediately, they help to decrease the instances of hospitalizations, improve customer satisfaction, and let hospitals know that a discharge to a facility using TapestryComplete is more than just safe; it’s smart. And of course, we still provide 24/7 telemedicine provided by board-certified clinicians that know the facility, the staff, and the patients. Only now, those telemedicine visits are supported by detailed analysis of millions of pieces of data so that our diagnoses are quicker, more accurate, and more reliable.
You mentioned that TapestryComplete bundles future products with current solutions. What are the benefits of that strategy, and how can you do that?
By remaining true to our mission. Our goal is and always has been to bring the highest level of care possible to America’s most vulnerable patients, and to do that by harnessing the power of technology. To us, that does not just mean yesterday’s technology or even today’s. It’s the concept that we will be at the forefront of finding ways to intelligently use technology to achieve our mission of improving care.
Don’t facilities end up buying future services today that they don’t even know the cost of?
No, because Tapestry doesn’t charge the facilities for the technologies we offer them. We are acutely aware that most skilled nursing facilities are private, for-profit businesses operating in one of this country’s most regulated, and complicated fields with extremely thin profit margins. They simply cannot afford to do what we are offering them, and that is to raise the level of care to that of a major medical center without spending anything. What’s more, with TapestryComplete, hospitals are more comfortable referring patients, and nurses have the confidence that with Tapestry’s support, they can handle any level of acuity with confidence. That translates into higher reimbursements and a more fulfilled staff. It’s a classic win-win.
What’s next on the horizon for TapestryComplete?
With technology, there are no limits to what might be next. And no SNF operator can be on top of everything and vet each potential new technology, then figure out how to implement it, etc. When they add TapestryComplete, all that is done for them. We stay on top of everything, we use our decades of experience in the industry to determine which technologies really will make a positive impact, and then we deliver it. The day an administrator walks in and finds a robot whizzing around the floor might be closer than you think…
Finish this sentence: “In a few words, how long before SNFs can no longer function without this kind of technology?”
That day is here. Some people are just so overwhelmed by their lack of technology that they don’t even realize it.
Editor’s note: This article has been edited for length and clarity.
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The Voices Series is a sponsored content program featuring leading executives discussing trends, topics and more shaping their industry in a question-and-answer format. For more information on Voices, please contact [email protected].