Aging Media Marketing Trends Q&A with Jonah Blumenthal, Chief Marketing Officer, TypoDuctions

Across senior housing and care settings, the marketing landscape continues to shift along with changing market factors. Through Aging Media Network’s (AMN) annual Aspect Marketing and Advertising Awards program, we recognize the “best of” these efforts each year.

AMN is now accepting submissions for the second annual program, aimed to highlight and feature senior care industry’s best examples of advertising, public relations, and marketing endeavors. These awards recognize the creative work completed by industry professionals delivering products and services in skilled nursing, home health / home care, hospice, senior living, and behavioral health.

We sat down with one of this year’s competition’s judges, Jonah Blumenthal, TypoDuctions, to weigh in on the latest marketing trends, what needs to change in skilled nursing marketing long-term, and what’s on the horizon for this year’s Aspect Awards competition.


What current trends are you seeing in skilled nursing marketing?

Health care marketing technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, and this trend is here to stay. Reputation-boosting software (such as TypoDuctions’ Check-In Kiosks) allow facilities to streamline their system for garnering more positive reviews online. It’s been a real game-changer for enhancing online reputations AND maintaining compliance. For every potential problem a facility faces, there’s a technological solution somewhere out there.

How do you define success in today’s marketing and advertising?


The ultimate sign of success is an online presence free from negativity, whether that’s reviews, Google star ratings, or incriminating or unpalatable photos on social media. If your online presence is net positive, featuring happy, smiling faces on social media and a ton of great reviews, you are winning.

What’s your outlook on skilled nursing marketing for 2022?

For 2022, it’s all about reputation. Marketers and the facilities they serve should emphasize social media, email marketing and website content to garner more positive reviews and create a rosy online presence. These practices are just as important, if not more important than the efforts of individual marketers because their reach is global. Skilled Nursing marketing should and will be reputation-focused as we enter 2022.

What do you look for when judging the Aspect Awards campaigns?

As the CMO of a marketing agency that specializes in health care, I need to see some incredible creativity for a submission to catch my eye. I want the submission to stand out, feature great aesthetics and give me that warm-and-fuzzy feeling inside!

What will capture your attention in this year’s competition?

It’s all about the effort you put in. If a facility invested the time, energy and intention when creating their marketing materials, the submission will stand out to me. I’m also looking to see something different than what I’ve seen in years previously—surprise me!

About the Aspect Awards

The awards program draws entrants from Aging Media’s highly qualified, global audience including subscribers of its health care-continuum publications Home Health Care News, Senior Housing News, Skilled Nursing News, Hospice News, and Behavioral Health Business.

The deadline to enter is January 31, 2022. Judging of the submissions will be completed during February 2022 by a panel of industry professionals representing each of these five continuum categories. Winners will be announced in March 2022.

For more information on the Aspect Marketing and Advertising Awards, visit