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Time: 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. CST
Date: Wednesday, November 13th
The new Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) is the first major update to the Medicare skilled nursing PPS in two decades, and went live just weeks ago.
In this discussion, industry leaders will share what administrators need to know, primarily from a clinical and operational perspective, now looking back one month after going live.
Session participants will hear from senior living CPAs & advisors on the top 10 tasks to check off your PDPM list as you look to succeed post-implementation.
— Identify needed operational changes to properly implement PDPM and realize benefits while mitigating negative effects
— Understand the impact of PDPM on clinical data, billing, finance & reimbursement, staffing, management and leadership
— Gain insight into the balancing of maintaining results and outcomes as you continue to transition from SNF PPS to PDPM