A pleasant Monday morning to everyone out there in the world of skilled nursing! To jump-start your week, here’s a quick look at some of the must-read stories that have recently appeared on Skilled Nursing News — and don’t forget that there’s plenty more to come over the next few days.
Kindred may be exiting the skilled nursing business, but the health care giant bolstered its desire to evolve into a continuum-wide care manager with the launch of its Kindred Innovations division. Brian Holzer will lead the nascent business unit starting June 5, overseeing Kindred’s care management programs, product development, and in-home primary care services.
Executives from Consonus Healthcare take a deep look at how they’ve navigated CMS’s alternate payment models, including bundles and value-based payments — with a primary focus on leadership, analytics, and a strong advanced rehab model.
Omega Healthcare Investors, Inc. expanded its footprint in the United Kingdom, snapping up 18 care homes from Gold Care Homes for about $113 million. Gold Care will continue to operate the facilities, and the deal brought Omega’s U.K. total to 53 units. In the same release announcing the news, Omega also attempted to tamp down rumors — first reported by Debtwire — that one of its domestic operators, Signature Holdings II, was in serious enough trouble that Omega began working with a third-party financial advisor to evaluate its options.
LeadingAge looked past private powerhouses such as Harvard and MIT in favor of a partnership with UMass Boston, which will house its new research center dedicated to long-term services and supports — all with a goal of fostering real-world partnerships and impact.
Also in the News
Perhaps in a nod to their longevity, veteran rockers Foo Fighters set their latest music video in a nursing home. The clip for “Run” features the artificially-aged band — led by the 48-year-old Dave Grohl — leading a SNF revolt against a tyrannical nurse and taking out their anger on some unsuspecting youngsters. While fun, It’s not the most accurate depiction of the skilled nursing industry in 2017 — maybe the band would do well to read SNN’s ongoing coverage of the ways in which the industry is set to change.
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As the new site on the block, allow us to introduce ourselves: We’re Skilled Nursing News, your home for comprehensive coverage of the business of SNFs. If you have a tip, a suggestion, or a (hopefully constructive!) criticism, please feel free to drop us a line — and thanks for being a part of our launch!
Written by Alex Spanko